Baltijos labdaros fondas

Who we are

Baltic Charity Foundation  - founded in 2005, a non-profit organization. Our main goal is to fight against poverty and exclusion, to achieve a comprehensive well-being of each individual. Our main beneficiaries are rural communities and their members, as we believe it is rural people in most need of comprehensive assistance and ongoing support.


Project 2015. Goodwill Ambassadors "Message for Lithuania” for European year for development


According to co-decision of European Parliament and the Council, 2015 is announced the year for the European development. In 2015 The EU and its members by common efforts will try to raise public awareness of development cooperation issues and the need to deepen public awareness of the development cooperation, the activities carried out and their results.

Estimated publicity shares will aim to awake the critical attitude of the society to the global challenges and understanding about the necessary changes also to the need to contribute. It is expected that well informed about development cooperation (DC) society will not be indifferent to support the policy of the DC and will seek to create a better world.

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The project "Live in Village – be Aware of your Worth”


Baltic Foundation (BF) is implementing the project "Live in Village – be Aware of your Worth", funded by the European Economic Area Financial Mechanisms, NGO programs in Lithuania. This project will strengthen the functioning village communities that they would be able to educate rural people's understanding of human rights, equal opportunities, discrimination, and respect for self and others.

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2015 European Year for development: Participate in and get involved in development cooperation activities


National non-governmental development cooperation organizations Platform (NNVBO platform) together with its partners, including Baltic Charity Foundation, is implementing the project "2015 European Year for development: participate in and get involved in development cooperation activities”. This project is designed to raise awareness and educate various youth groups about importance of Lithuanian and European Union development cooperation also its goals and actualities, and thereby promote Lithuanian public debates and participation in implementing development cooperation politics. The project is co-financed by the European Union and development cooperation and democracy promotion programme of Ministry of Foreign Affairs resources.

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National non-governmental development cooperation organizations Platform (NNVBO platform) together with its partners, including Baltic Charity Foundation, is implementing the project "2015 European Year for development: participate in and get involved in development cooperation activities”. This project is designed to raise awareness and educate various youth groups about importance of Lithuanian and European Union development cooperation also its goals and actualities, and thereby promote Lithuanian public debates and participation in implementing development cooperation politics. The project is co-financed by the European Union and development cooperation and democracy promotion programme of Ministry of Foreign Affairs resources.

The content of the project does not necessarily reflect the official position of the European Union. For more information about the year for development visit

The project essence :With the help of a wide network of partners and in the project provided interactive and innovative measures to increase awareness and educate various youth groups about importance of Lithuanian and European Union development cooperation also its goals and actualities, and thereby promote Lithuanian public debates and participation in implementing development cooperation politics.

Project activities: a) knowledge contest online, contests for youth on the radio and TV also in Lithuanian general education schools and gymnasium; b) integration of development activities to the courses in universities and colleges, teachers training to work with development topics, papers, preparation of journalistic investigation competitions, c) photography contest and presentations in major cities of Lithuania and Lithuanian communities.

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Project idea:Thematic year of the European Union is a great opportunity to publicize problematic EU public policy and to integrate various groups of society into broader dialogue about actuality and directions of the policy. Unfortunately, in the society development cooperation as Lithuania's foreign policy area is not very well known. Although according to Eurobarometer (in 2013) the help to poorer countries supports by 81% of respondents in Lithuania. Comprehensive public survey reveals that information about development cooperation is limited and inaccurate so it means that the results of interviews and society awareness about development are doubtful.

There are a number of reasons of limited society awareness about development cooperation and development. In the context of this project can be seen a few of them: the initiatives of youth awareness about the development are isolated and not well coordinated, limited participation of students and teachers who are able to work with development themes and ready to provide appropriate support for pupils. In addition, there are no initiatives informing and educating about development in education / training centers for young adults who returned to education system in Lithuania. Speaking about education of development theme in the academic context, the good example is only international relations and development bachelor studies program of Vytautas Magnus University. Unfortunately in other universities and colleges (especially in other than political sciences) problems of developing countries are not touched and integrated into the training courses. Finally, there are the apparent lack of initiatives involving various youth groups to the discussion about development, also this information and initiatives, unfortunately, does not reach the outer communities of Lithuania. Therefore, this project with a broad network of partners and interactive and innovative measures will raise awareness and educate various youth groups about importance of Lithuanian and European Union development cooperation also its goals and actualities, and thereby promote Lithuanian public debates and participation in implementing development cooperation politics.

Project executor:
Nacionalinė nevyriausybinių vystomojo bendradarbiavimo Organizacijų Platforma (NNVBO Platforma)

National non-governmental development cooperation organizations platform (Platform NNVBO) www.pagalba.orgProject partners:

Baltijos labdaros fondas (Baltic Foundation) (BLF)

VšĮ „Psichikos sveikatos perspektyvos“(Public Mental Health Perspectives)


Lietuvos vaikų ir jaunimo centras (Lithuanian Youth Centre) (LVJC)

Lietuvos suaugusiųjų švietimo asociacija (Lithuanian Adult Education Association)


VšĮ „Humana People to People Baltic“ (HPPB)